Microsoft Ignite Tour 11 en 12 maart 2020

Ingediend door Dirk Hornstra op 13-mar-2020 23:45

De planning was voortreffelijk, omdat ik in de week van 4 t/m 9 maart 2020 op vakantie naar IJsland ging (dat is wel doorgegaan gelukkig) zou ik deze week vrij zijn en dus naar dit evenement kunnen gaan.

Op 3 maart kreeg ik de mail dat het evenement geannuleerd is, in verband met het Corona-virus. Op 6 maart ontving ik een e-mail dat als vervanger je 7 tracks kunt volgen op de Microsoft Virtual Training Day | NL: link. Deze online presentatie wordt op 11 maart uitgezonden van 10.00 tot 14.45 uur. In dat lijstje heb ik toen gekozen voor het Power Platform. Op 11 maart was het prachtig weer en ben ik (dus) 13 kilometer gaan wandelen, ik moet trainen voor een wandeltocht waar ik aan mee ga doen.

Die avond nog even op het linkje doorgeklikt en ik was blij verrast dat ik de presentaties nog steeds kon zien. Wel een minpuntje: het is Flash. Toch jammer dat Silverlight uitgefaseerd is. De eerste demo door Sven Noomen en Charlotte van Beijsterveld maakte me duidelijk dat ik de verkeerde sessie gekozen had. Dit is meer een soort processen inrichten, powerpoint-achtige configuratie, ik had waarschijnlijk moeten kiezen voor één van de Azure sessies.

Op 9 maart had ik een mailtje ontvangen van iemand van Microsoft dat als ik vragen had over het kostenplaatje e.d. ik dat bij haar kon doen. Daar heb ik geen vragen over gesteld, maar ik heb wel een verzoek ingediend: haal alsjeblieft die ondertiteling weg of zorg dat deze beter wordt.

Sven en Charlotte zijn duidelijk Nederlanders, hun Engels is op zich best te verstaan. Tijdens hun prestatie zit iemand real-time mee te typen. Maar net als bij de Azure Red Shirt Dev Tour in de RAI in 2017 tijdens de presentatie van Scott Guthrie viel het me op dat ze of een dyslectisch persoon er neer gezet hebben, of de automatische spellingschecker zaken foutief corrigeert.

Ik heb onderstaande als voorbeeld gegeven aan Kristin van Microsoft:

If you check the presentation held by Sven Noomen and Charlotte van Beijsterveld, you will see that:
  • Charlotte was named "Charlotte Niceville"
  • large suite was made "large sweet"
  • to the desktop was made "throughout the xbox"
  • in the next session "with the power of power BI" was translated to "with the Governor of Barbie"

Ik hoop dat hier wat aan gedaan wordt, want onwillekeurig begin je mee te lezen en raak je het spoor dus helemaal bijster.


Resumé, ik ben er nog niets mee opgeschoten. Maar wacht, Microsoft heeft me gemaild dat je de video's nog kunt bekijken:

Dit zijn 167 stuks, genoeg te bekijken dus. Ik had al een blog-post voorbereid voor, dus kijken of ik de sessies die ik had willen zien in de RAI nu online kan bekijken. Een 3-tal items staan niet online, maar dat komt zo te zien omdat het zaken met panel / interactie met het publiek is. Wel jammer dat de sessie over SignalR niet online staat.

Woensdag 11 maart

Elicium 2, 9.15 - 10.15

SECO50 - Top 10 best security practices for Azure today
With more computing environments moving to the cloud, the need for stronger cloud security has never been greater. But what constitutes effective cloud security for Azure, and what best practices should you be following? In this overview session, learn about five Azure security best practices, discover the latest Azure security innovations, listen to insights from a partner, and real-life security principles from an Azure customer.

Theater 1, 10.20 - 10.35

THR30034 - Deploying and A/B testing without risks with deployment slots
Who hasn’t been scared when deploying a new feature to a website? Sometimes we feel that we will break everything, and the stress level is just not something we want to experience ever again. That's why the deployment slots feature of Azure App Services is such a nice experience. With deployment slots, you can deploy to a safe slot in the same conditions as your production environment. You can test in isolation, without risking breaking something. Then you can gradually route some of the traffic to the new features, for example to perform A/B testing. When you are satisfied with the results, you can simply switch the whole traffic to the new site. But don't fret, if something goes wrong, the old, safe site is just one mouse click away.

Elicium 1, 10.45 - 11.30

Serverless Ponies: Event Driven Architectures in Azure - hier is geen online video/presentatie van
Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a popular distributed asynchronous architecture pattern used to produce highly scalable applications. The pattern is made up of highly decoupled components that asynchronously receive and process events. Microsoft Azure provides us with many out-of-the-box services that can be used to apply this kind of architecture serverlessly, such as Event Grid and Durable Functions. In this demo-heavy session you will learn how to combine these services into powerful solutions. To illustrate the concepts and give code samples, the presenter will use a game he built with his 8 year old daughter, combining their respective interests of Azure architecture and cute ponies.

HAL 8.6, 10.45 - 11.30

COMP20 - Identify and take action on insider risks, threats and code of conduct violations
Insider threats and policy violations are a major risk for all companies and can easily go undetected until it is too late. Proactively managing these risks and threats can provide you with a game changing advantage. Gain a deeper understanding of how to gain visibility into and take action on insider threats, data leakage and policy violations. Come learn about how the new Microsoft 365 Insider Risk Management and Communication Compliance solutions correlate multiple signals, from activities to communications, to give you a proactive view into potential threats and take remediate actions as

11.30 - 12.30 LUNCH

HAL 8.5, 12.30 - 13.15

APPS30 - Modernizing your application with containers
Tailwind Traders recently moved one of its core applications from a virtual machine into containers, gaining deployment flexibility and repeatable builds. In this session, you’ll learn how to manage containers for deployment, options for container registries, and ways to manage and scale deployed containers. You’ll also learn how Tailwind Traders uses Azure Key Vault service to store application secrets and make it easier for their applications to securely access business critical data.

Theater 3, 13.20 - 13.35

THR30163 - Scalable Real-time Web Applications with the Azure SignalR Service - hier is geen online video/presentatie van
SignalR is a framework to create real-time applications in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core. Participators will learn what SignalR is but especially how to make it scale using the Azure SignalR Service.

HALL 11, 13.45 - 14.30

AFUN40 - Azure security fundamentals
Tailwind Traders wants to improve the security of their workloads that are running in the cloud. In this session, learn how to use: Azure Security Center to determine how to configure Azure resources (using security best practices), Azure Sentinel to locate and respond to suspicious activity, and Azure Bastion for secure administrative connections into Azure.

HALL 8.5, 15.00 - 15.45

APPS50 - Taking your app to the next level with monitoring, performance, and scaling
Making sense of application logs and metrics has been a challenge at Tailwind Traders. Some of the most common questions getting asked within the company are: “How do we know what we're looking for? Do we look at logs? Metrics? Both?” Using Azure Monitor and Application Insights helps Tailwind Traders elevate their application logs to something a bit more powerful: telemetry. In session, you’ll learn how the team wired up Application Insights to their public-facing website and fixed a slow-loading home page. Then, we expand this concept of telemetry to determine how Tailwind Traders’ CosmosDB

Theater 3, 16.10 - 16.40

THR10025 - Implications for you and your organization on going cloud-native - hier is geen online video/presentatie van
What does it mean to go cloud-native? How does your job change? Do you need to organize security in a different way in the cloud? And does it imply we can only work in a DevOps way? Join Marcel de Vries, Maarten Goet and a panel of experts who shares their views and experiences. This is a panel session no cloud professional should miss!


Donderdag 12 maart

Hall 11, 9.30 - 10.15

AFUN60 - Exploring containers and orchestration in Azure
Tailwind Traders is in the process of moving from pure virtual machine workloads to using containers to run their apps. In this session, you’ll learn the ins and outs of containers versus VMs (and when to use one over the other) and get an overview of Azure Container Service, including container orchestration with Azure Kubernetes Service.

HALL 11, 10.45 - 11.30

AFUN70 - Keeping costs down in Azure
Tailwind Traders wants to keep the costs of running their workloads in Azure predictable and within the organization's spending limits. In this session, you'll learn about the factors that go into Azure costs and hear some tips and tools to keep costs manageable - from using Azure calculators and setting spending limits and quotas to utilizing tagging to identify cost owners.

Theater 1, 11.35 - 11.50

THR30031 - Azure and the command line – options, tips and tricks
If you love working from the command line, this session covers all the things you need to know to get the most out of the experience on Windows, Mac, and Linux. We start with Windows command line, then the new Terminal, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Then, we cover some interesting developments in the Azure Cloud Shell and show you how you can work with command line options in Visual Studio Code. By the end of this 15 minute session you'll have some new and interesting ways to control the cloud from your keyboard!

11.30 - 12.30 LUNCH

HALL 8.5, 12.30 - 13.15 

OPS30 - Learning from failure
Incidents will happen—there’s no doubt about that. The key question is whether you treat them as a learning opportunity to make your operations practice better or just as a loss of time, money, and reputation. In this session, dive into one of the most important topics for improving reliability: how to learn from failure. We listen into one of Tailwind Traders post-incident reviews, often called a postmortem, and use that to learn how to shape and run this process to turn a failure into something actionable. After this session, you’ll be able to build a key feedback loop in your organization that turns unplanned

HALL 11, 13.45 - 14.30

AFUN90 - Azure identity fundamentals
Identity is the core of most workloads in Azure, and Tailwind Traders wants to implement Azure Active Directory in a way that correctly meshes their on-premises identities with those required in the cloud. In this session, learn the difference between authentication and authorization, as well as different identity models. Then, dive into the benefits of conditional access and multi-factor authentication (MFA) and wrap up with a demo showing you how to implement these types of extra protection.

HALL 11, 15.00 - 15.45

AFUN95 - Figuring out Azure functions
Tailwind Traders is curious about the concept behind “serverless” computing – the idea that they can run small pieces of code in the cloud, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. In this session, we’ll cover the world of Azure Functions, starting with an explanation of the servers behind serverless, exploring the languages and integrations available, and ending with a demo of when to use Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow.


Doorklikken en bekijken maar! Ik zie dat Scott Hanselman laat weten dat het Microsoft Build 2020 ook een online evenement wordt: tweet van Scott, dus op 19, 20 en 21 mei de officiële site in de gaten houden: