MS certificering: 70-483, deel 1

Ingediend door Dirk Hornstra op 06-mar-2018 19:58

Met een paar collega's zijn we een paar jaren geleden bezig geweest met de certificering van Microsoft om "Microsoft Certified Professional Developer" te worden. Dat hield in dat je een 4-tal examens moest halen, eerst voor MCTS: 70-515 | 70-516 | 70-513 en voor MCPD: 70-519. Hiervan heb ik de 70-515 en 70-516 behaald, voldoende om "Microsoft Certified Professional" te zijn (en een MCP wallet card te ontvangen).

Dat viel niet mee. Hoewel er boeken voor waren en proef-examens is eigenlijk de belangrijkste voorwaarde dat je elke dag met .NET aan het programmeren bent en de zaken tegenkomt die je op de examens als multiple-choice vragen voor de kiezen krijgt. En dat doen we (helaas) niet, omdat er nog veel legacy-code is en een groot deel van de week dus aan classic ASP besteedt wordt. Hoewel we nu wel steeds meer met .NET werken zijn we toen afgehaakt. Waarbij ik dan nog net 1 examen meer behaald heb dan de collega's.

Ik ben daarna nog wel door de andere boeken gaan spitten, maar omdat er ook veel andere zaken belangrijk zijn, is het een tijd blijven liggen. Een tijdje geleden ben ik nog eens gaan kijken wat ik zou kunnen doen om toch gecertificeerd te worden, daarbij kwam ik onder andere op deze pagina. Daarin wordt al genoemd dat deze certificering aan het vervallen is en dus ook minder waarde heeft als je ergens aan de slag wilt gaan. Er wordt verwezen naar Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD). Ik had ook al zoiets via het Twitter-kanaal van de Microsoft certificering gezien, de boel is helemaal omgegooid. Deze link verwijst je naar een certificering voor "App Builder".

Ik vroeg me af of dit nu mijn volgende stap moet zijn. Want qua werk zit ik meer in web-applicaties en web-services, bij "apps" zit je al gauw aan mobiele applicaties te denken. Als je 1 van de examens haalt voor de volgende examens, dan heb je het gehaald: 70-532, 70-535, 70-487, 70-488, 70-489, 70-496, 70-497, 70-498, 70-538. De omschrijving bovenaan de pagina lijkt goed: "This certification validates that you have the skills needed to build modern mobile and/or web applications and services". Bij het doorklikken van deze examens zie ik hier echter geen match. Het zijn allemaal Azure, Sharepoint, Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation examens, niet zaken waar we wat mee doen en waar ik in de toekomst ook wat mee verwacht te gaan doen. Ook zie je bij de specs al dat je hier al 3 of 5 jaar ervaring mee moet hebben. Misschien als ik 5 sabattical jaren opneem, dat het dan wat wordt, maar dit wordt hem voorlopig niet. De voorloper van deze certificering is op 31 maart 2017 "met pensioen" gegaan, maar had qua inhoud juist wel de items waar we wat aan hebben.

Dus ik ben maar eens naar de algemene certificeringspagina van Microsoft gegaan. Je ziet hier een overzicht van alle certificeringen. De keuze valt op MCSA: Web Applications, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate. Je moet hiervoor 2 examens halen, 70-480 of 70-483,  gevolgd door 70-486. De 480 is HTML, Javascript en CSS3, 483 is het programmeren in C# en 486 is het werken met MVC. 

De 480 heb ik eerst overgeslagen, omdat 483 meer in mijn straatje past. De specs van het examen kun je hier vinden. Die specs zijn niet compleet (staat ook op de pagina), per 14 december 2017 zijn er wijzigingen doorgevoerd die je in dit document kunt nalezen. Rick Delorme heeft een boek geschreven dat je ter voorbereiding kunt gebruiken.

Ik heb eerst het boek van Wouter de Kort aangeschaft voor 70-483. De kennis die je nodig hebt voor het examen staat op deze pagina. Hiervoor geldt hetzelfde als bij de 480, per 14 december 2017 zijn er wijzigingen die je in dit document kunt nalezen. 

De 486 zal mijn volgende en laatste examen zijn. De specs staan op deze pagina. Om het verhaal compleet te maken, ook hier is een change-document

Het boek van Wouter de Kort heb ik inmiddels uit. Dat ging ook wel redelijk snel, want hoewel het boek zonder inhoudsopgave 333 pagina's telt, zijn er maar 4 hoofdstukken. Dat kan je zand in de ogen strooien en laten denken "dat gaan we wel even doen". Dat is vaker tegen gevallen, dus deze keer kijken of we ons wat beter kunnen voorbereiden. Het boek heb ik uit, in het boek staan verwijzingen naar websites waar meer informatie te vinden is. Dat ga ik in een volgend blog bespreken (zoals Martijn Aslander bij zijn life-hacks zei: laat anderen het boek lezen en een goede samenvatting maken, dat scheelt jou een hoop werk), dus mocht je ook voor de 70-483 willen gaan, doe er je voordeel mee.

Je had hier boven al de linkjes naar de pagina's en het change-document, ik plaats hieronder de volledige lijst, zodat ik die kan gaan afvinken om zo te zorgen dat ik niets vergeet. 

Oude Specs 

Manage Program Flow (25-30%)
Implement multithreading and asynchronous processing

  • Use the Task Parallel library, including theParallel.For method, PLINQ, Tasks;create continuation tasks; spawn threads by using ThreadPool; unblock the UI; use async and await keywords; manage data by using concurrent collections

Manage multithreading

  • Synchronize resources; implement locking; cancel a long-running task; implement thread-safe methods to handle race conditions

Implement program flow

  • Iterate across collection and array items; program decisions by using switch statements, if/then, and operators; evaluate expressions

Create and implement events and callbacks

  • Create event handlers; subscribe to and unsubscribe from events; use built-in delegate types to create events; create delegates; lambda expressions; anonymous methods

Implement exception handling

  • Handle exception types, including SQL exceptions, network exceptions, communication exceptions, network timeout exceptions; use catch statements; use base class of an exception; implement try-catchfinally blocks; throw exceptions; rethrow an exception; create custom exceptions; handle inner exceptions; handle aggregate exception


Preparation resources

Asynchronous programming with Async and Await (C# and Visual Basic)
Threading (C# and Visual Basic)
Selection statements (C# reference)

Create and Use Types (25-30%)
Create types

  • Create value types, including structs and enum; create reference types, generic types, constructors, static variables, methods, classes, extension methods; create optional and named parameters; create indexed properties; create overloaded and overriden methods

Consume types

  • Box or unbox to convert between value types; cast types; convert types; handle dynamic types; ensure interoperability with code that accesses COM APIs

Enforce encapsulation

  • Enforce encapsulation by using properties; enforce encapsulation by using accessors, including public, private, protected, and internal; enforce encapsulation by using explicit interface implementation

Create and implement a class hierarchy

  • Design and implement an interface; inherit from a base class; create and implement classes based on the IComparable, IEnumerable, IDisposable, and IUnknown interfaces

Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection

  • Create and apply attributes; read attributes; generate code at runtime by using CodeDom and Lambda expressions; use types from the System.Reflection namespace, including Assembly, PropertyInfo, MethodInfo, Type

Manage the object life cycle

  • Manage unmanaged resources; implement IDisposable, including interaction with finalization; manage IDisposable by using the Using statement; manage finalization and garbage collection

Manipulate strings

  • Manipulate strings by using the StringBuilder, StringWriter, and StringReader classes; search strings; enumerate string methods; format strings; use string interpolation


Preparation resources

Types (C# programming guide)
Classes and structs (C# programming guide)
Object-oriented programming (C# and Visual Basic)

Debug Applications and Implement Security (25-30%)

Validate application input

  • Validate JSON data; choose the appropriate data collection type; manage data integrity; evaluate a regular expression to validate the input format; use built-in functions to validate data type and content

Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption

  • Choose an appropriate encryption algorithm; manage and create certificates; implement key management; implement the System.Security namespace; hash data; encrypt streams

Manage assemblies

  • Version assemblies; sign assemblies using strong names; implement side-by-side hosting; put an assembly in the global assembly cache; create a WinMD assembly

Debug an application

  • Create and manage preprocessor directives; choose an appropriate build type; manage program database files (debug symbols)

Implement diagnostics in an application

  • Implement logging and tracing; profiling applications; create and monitor performance counters; write to the event log


Preparation resources

Validating data
.NET Framework regular expressions

Implement Data Access (25-30%)

Perform I/O operations

  • Read and write files and streams; read and write from the network by using classes in the System.Net namespace; implement asynchronous I/O operations

Consume data

  • Retrieve data from a database; update data in a database; consume JSON and XML data; retrieve data by using web services

Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ

  • Query data by using operators, including projection, join, group, take, skip, aggregate; create methodbased LINQ queries; query data by using query comprehension syntax; select data by using anonymous types; force execution of a query; read, filter, create, and modify data structures by using LINQ to XML

Serialize and deserialize data

  • Serialize and deserialize data by using binary serialization, custom serialization, XML Serializer, JSON Serializer, and Data Contract Serializer

Store data in and retrieve data from collections

  • Store and retrieve data by using dictionaries, arrays, lists, sets, and queues; choose a collection type; initialize a collection; add and remove items from a collection; use typed vs. non-typed collections; implement custom collections; implement collection interfaces


Preparation resources

File system and the registry (C# programming guide)
Connecting to data in Visual Studio
Editing data in your application

Nieuwe specs 

Hierboven stonden de specs zoals ze golden tot 14 december 2017. Je zou het kunnen negeren, maar de ervaring heeft me geleerd dat je beter teveel kunt lezen/bestuderen, dan te weinig. Mocht het je alleen om de nieuwe specificaties gaan zoals ze in de PDF staan, hier komen ze:

70-483: Programming in C#

Candidates for this exam are developers with at least one year of experience programming essential business logic for a variety of application types, hardware, and software platforms using C#.

Candidates should also have a thorough understanding of the following:

• Managing program flow and events

• Asynchronous programming and threading

• Data validation and working with data collections including LINQ

• Handling errors and exceptions

• Working with arrays and collections

• Working with variables, operators, and expressions

• Working with classes and methods

• Decision and iteration statements

Objective Domain

Note: This document shows tracked changes that are effective as of December 14, 2017.

Manage Program Flow (25-30%)

Implement multithreading and asynchronous processing

- Use the Task Parallel library, including theParallel.For method, PLINQ, Tasks; create continuation tasks;

spawn threads by using ThreadPool; unblock the UI; use async and await keywords; manage data by using concurrent collections

Manage multithreading

- Synchronize resources; implement locking; cancel a long-running task; implement thread-safe methods to handle race conditions

Implement program flow

- Iterate across collection and array items; program decisions by using switch statements, if/then, and operators; evaluate expressions

Create and implement events and callbacks

- Create event handlers; subscribe to and unsubscribe from events; use built-in delegate types to create events; create delegates; lambda expressions; anonymous methods

Implement exception handling

- Handle exception types, including SQL exceptions, network exceptions, communication exceptions, network timeout exceptions; use catch statements; use base class of an exception; implement try-catchfinally blocks; throw exceptions; rethrow an exception; create custom exceptions; handle inner exceptions; handle aggregate exceptions

Create and Use Types (25-30%)

Create types

- Create value types, including structs and enum; create reference types, generic types, constructors, static variables, methods, classes, extension methods; create optional and named parameters; create indexed properties; create overloaded and overriden methods

Consume types

- Box or unbox to convert between value types; cast types; convert types; handle dynamic types; ensure interoperability with code that accesses COM APIs

Enforce encapsulation

- Enforce encapsulation by using properties; enforce encapsulation by using accessors, including public, private, protected, and internal; enforce encapsulation by using explicit interface implementation

Create and implement a class hierarchy

- Design and implement an interface; inherit from a base class; create and implement classes based on the IComparable, IEnumerable, IDisposable, and IUnknown interfaces

Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection

- Create and apply attributes; read attributes; generate code at runtime by using CodeDom and Lambda expressions; use types from the System.Reflection namespace, including Assembly, PropertyInfo, MethodInfo, Type 

Manage the object life cycle

- Manage unmanaged resources; implement IDisposable, including interaction with finalization; manage IDisposable by using the Using statement; manage finalization and garbage collection

Manipulate strings

- Manipulate strings by using the StringBuilder, StringWriter, and StringReader classes; search strings; enumerate string methods; format strings; use string interpolation

Debug Applications and Implement Security (25-30%)

Validate application input

- Validate JSON data; choose the appropriate data collection type; manage data integrity; evaluate a regular expression to validate the input format; use built-in functions to validate data type and content

Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption

- Choose an appropriate encryption algorithm; manage and create certificates; implement key management; implement the System.Security namespace; hash data; encrypt streams

Manage assemblies

- Version assemblies; sign assemblies using strong names; implement side-by-side hosting; put an assembly in the global assembly cache; create a WinMD assembly

Debug an application

- Create and manage preprocessor directives; choose an appropriate build type; manage program database files (debug symbols)

Implement diagnostics in an application

- Implement logging and tracing; profiling applications; create and monitor performance counters; write to the event log

Implement Data Access (25-30%)

Perform I/O operations

- Read and write files and streams; read and write from the network by using classes in the System.Net namespace; implement asynchronous I/O operations

Consume data

- Retrieve data from a database; update data in a database; consume JSON and XML data; retrieve data by using web services

Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ

- Query data by using operators, including projection, join, group, take, skip, aggregate; create methodbased LINQ queries; query data by using query comprehension syntax; select data by using anonymous types; force execution of a query; read, filter, create, and modify data structures by using LINQ to XML

Serialize and deserialize data

- Serialize and deserialize data by using binary serialization, custom serialization, XML Serializer, JSON Serializer, and Data Contract Serializer

Store data in and retrieve data from collections

- Store and retrieve data by using dictionaries, arrays, lists, sets, and queues; choose a collection type; initialize a collection; add and remove items from a collection; use typed vs. non-typed collections;  implement custom collections; implement collection interfaces


Extra voorbereiding 

Onder de oude specs staan nog een aantal linkjes naar zaken waarmee je je kunt voorbereiden.

Dat zijn:

Een "prep"-talk over het examen.

Programmeren in C# Jump Start. Een aantal filmpjes, lijkt me de moeite waard.

Officiële praktijktest. Kost doekoe, dus dat slaan we eerst even over.

De wiki van 483

Het forum van 483

Ook wordt er verwezen naar een cursus, onder leiding van een instructeur stort je je 5 dagen op de materie. Als je dat vergelijkt met die "4 hoofdstukjes", dan weet je dat er wel wat meer moet gebeuren. Dus ook dat complete verhaal hier maar even uitspitten:

5 daagse training 


At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the core syntax and features of C#.
  • Create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions, and describe the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications.
  • Implement the basic structure and essential elements of a typical desktop application.
  • Create classes, define and implement interfaces, and create and use generic collections.
  • Use inheritance to create a class hierarchy, extend a .NET Framework class, and create generic classes and methods.
  • Read and write data by using file input/output and streams, and serialize and deserialize data in different formats.
  • Create and use an entity data model for accessing a database and use LINQ to query and update data.
  • Use the types in the System.Net namespace and WCF Data Services to access and query remote data.
  • Build a graphical user interface by using XAML.
  • Improve the throughput and response time of applications by using tasks and asynchronous operations.
  • Integrate unmanaged libraries and dynamic components into a C# application.
  • Examine the metadata of types by using reflection, create and use custom attributes, generate code at runtime, and manage assembly versions.
  • Encrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric and asymmetric encryption.


Course details
Course Outline

Module 1: Review of C# Syntax
This module reviews the core syntax and features of the C# programming language. It also provides an introduction to the Visual Studio 2012 debugger.
Overview of Writing Applications using C#
Datatypes, Operators, and Expressions
C# Programming Language Constructs
Lab : Developing the Class Enrolment Application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the architecture of .NET Framework applications and use the features that Visual Studio 2012 and C# provide to support .NET Framework development.
Use the basic data types, operators, and expressions provided by C#.
Use standard C# programming constructs.

Module 2: Creating Methods, Handling Exceptions, and Monitoring Applications
This module explains how to create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions. This module also describes the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications.
Creating and Invoking Methods
Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters
Handling Exceptions
Monitoring Applications
Lab : Extending the Class Enrolment Application Functionality
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create and invoke methods, pass parameters to methods, and return values from methods.
Create overloaded methods, and use optional parameters and output parameters.
Catch and handle exceptions and write information to the event log.
Explain the requirement for implementing logging, tracing, and profiling when building large-scale applications.

Module 3: Developing the Code for a Graphical Application
This module describes how to implement the basic structure and essential elements of a typical desktop application, including using structures and enumerations, collections, and events.
Implementing Structs and Enums
Organizing Data into Collections
Handling Events
Lab : Writing the Code for the Grades Prototype Application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Define and use structures and enumerations.
Create and use simple collections for storing data in-memory.
Create, subscribe to, and raise events.

Module 4: Creating Classes and Implementing Type-safe Collections
This module explains how to create classes, define and implement interfaces, and create and use generic collections. This module also describes the differences between value types and reference types in C#.
Creating Classes
Defining and Implementing Interfaces
Implementing Type-safe Collections
Lab : Adding Data Validation and Type-safety to the Grades Application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create and use custom classes.
Define and implement custom interfaces.
Use generics to implement type-safe collections.

Module 5: Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance
This module explains how to use inheritance to create a class hierarchy and extend a .NET Framework class. This module also describes how to create generic classes and define extension methods.
Creating Class Hierarchies
Extending .NET Framework Classes
Creating Generic Types
Lab : Refactoring Common Functionality into the User Class
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Define abstract classes and inherit from base classes to create a class hierarchy.
Inherit from .NET Framework classes and use extension methods to add custom functionality to the inherited class.
Create generic classes and methods.

Module 6: Reading and Writing Local Data
This module explains how to read and write data by using file input/output (I/O) and streams, and how to serialize and deserialize data in different formats.
Reading and Writing Files
Serializing and Deserializing Data
Performing I/O Using Streams
Lab : Generating the Grades Report
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Read and write data to and from the file system by using file I/O.
Convert data into a format that can be written to or read from a file or other data source.
Use streams to send and receive data to or from a file or other data source.

Module 7: Accessing a Database
This module explains how to create and use an entity data model for accessing a database, and how to use LINQ to query and update data.
Creating and Using Entity Data Models
Querying Data by Using LINQ
Updating Data by Using LINQ
Lab : Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create an entity data model, describe the key classes contained in the model, and customize the generated code.
Use LINQ to query and work with data.
Use LINQ to insert, update, and delete data.

Module 8: Accessing Remote Data
This module explains how to use the types in the System.Net namespace, and WCF Data Services, to query and modify remote data.
Accessing Data Across the Web
Accessing Data in the Cloud
Lab : Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data in the Cloud
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Use the classes in the System.Net namespace to send and receive data across the Web.
Create and use a WCF Data Service to access data in the cloud.

Module 9: Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application
This module explains how to build and style a graphical user interface by using XAML. This module also describes how to display data in a user interface by using data binding.
Using XAML to Design a User Interface
Binding Controls to Data
Styling a User Interface
Lab : Customizing Student Photographs and Styling the Application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Define XAML views and controls to design a simple graphical user interface.
Use XAML data binding techniques to bind XAML elements to a data source and display data.
Add styling and dynamic transformations to a XAML user interface.

Module 10: Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness
This module explains how to improve the throughput and response time of applications by using tasks and asynchronous operations.
Implementing Multitasking by using Tasks and Lambda Expressions
Performing Operations Asynchronously
Synchronizing Concurrent Access to Data
Lab : Improving the Responsiveness and Performance of the Application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create tasks and lambda expressions to implement multitasking.
Define and use asynchronous methods to improve application responsiveness.
Coordinate concurrent access to data shared across multiple tasks by using synchronous primitives and concurrent collections.

Module 11: Integrating with Unmanaged Code
This module explains how to integrate unmanaged libraries and dynamic components into a C# application. This module also describes how to control the lifetime of unmanaged resources.
Creating and Using Dynamic Objects
Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Unmanaged Resources
Lab : Upgrading the Grades Report
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Integrate unmanaged code into a C# application by using the Dynamic Language Runtime.
Control the lifetime of unmanaged resources and ensure that they are disposed properly.

Module 12: Creating Reusable Types and Assemblies
This module explains how to examine the metadata of types by using reflection, create and use custom attributes, generate managed code at runtime, and manage different versions of assemblies.
Examining Object Metadata
Creating and Using Custom Attributes
Generating Managed Code
Versioning, Signing and Deploying Assemblies
Lab : Specifying the Data to Include in the Grades Report
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Examine the metadata of objects at runtime by using reflection.
Create and use custom attribute class.
Generate managed code at runtime by using CodeDOM.
Manage different versions of an assembly and deploy an assembly to the Global Assembly Cache.

Module 13: Encrypting and Decrypting Data
This module explains how to encrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Implementing Symmetric Encryption
Implementing Asymmetric Encryption
Lab : Encrypting and Decrypting Grades Reports
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Perform symmetric encryption by using the classes in the System.Security namespace.
Perform asymmetric encryption by using the classes in the System.Security namespace.

Developers attending this course should already have gained some limited experience using C# to complete basic programming tasks. More specifically, students should have hands-on experience using C# that demonstrates their understanding of the following:

  • How to name, declare, initialize and assign values to variables within an application.
  • How to use:
  • arithmetic operators to perform arithmetic calculations involving one or more variables;
  • relational operators to test the relationship between two variables or expressions;
  • logical operators to combine expressions that contain relational operators.
  • How to create the code syntax for simple programming statements using C# language keywords and recognize syntax errors using the Visual Studio IDE.
  • How to create a simple branching structure using an IF statement.
  • How to create a simple looping structure using a For statement to iterate through a data array.
  • How to use the Visual Studio IDE to locate simple logic errors.
  • How to create a Function that accepts arguments (parameters and returns a value of a specified type.
  • How to design and build a simple user interface using standard controls from the Visual Studio toolbox.
  • How to connect to a SQL Server database and the basics of how to retrieve and store data.
  • How to sort data in a loop.
  • How to recognize the classes and methods used in a program.



Resumé, dit wordt nog een flinke kluif. Eerst maar de detail-linkjes van het boek en de video's die onder "preparation options" stonden doornemen. En doorrrrr....